Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

Content Standard H1.0 - People, Cultures, and Civilizations - Students understand the development, characteristics, and interaction of people, cultures, societies, religion and ideas.

Transatlantic Encounters
  • H1.[9-12].9 Explain how trade causes cultural diffusion.
  • H1.[9-12].10 Compare and contrast the characteristics of dominant world cultures.
  • H1.[9-12].11 Analyze how and why the five major religions gained new adherents in various parts of the world.
Renaissance, Reformation & the Enlightenment
  • H1.[9-12].12 Examine the impact of scientific, technological, mathematical, cultural, and artistic developments of the Renaissance on societies around the world.
  • H1.[9-12].13 Explain the causes of the Reformation and its effects in Europe and the Americas.
  • H1.[9-12].14 Identify the influence of the Enlightenment on the Western World, i.e., philosophy, science, fine arts, government, and literature.

Content Standard H2.0 - Nation Building and Development - Students understand the people, events, ideas, and conflicts that lead to the evolution of nations, empires, distinctive cultures, and political and economic ideas.

Empire Building
  • H2.[9-12].16 Examine the roles of nationalism, imperialism, and religion in the building and development of nations.
  • H2.[9-12].17 Describe the rise of commercial trading centers and their effects on social, political, and economic institutions around the world.
  • H2.[9-12].18 Explain the development of monarchies and their effects on centralized government, commerce and trade, and religion.
  • H2.[9-12].19 Explain how Greek and Roman civilizations influenced the development of democratic and republican governments in modern societies.
  • H2.[9-12].20 Analyze the development of the nation state and explain how nation states differ from empires or other forms of political organizations.
World War I & World War II
  • H2.[9-12].21 Explain why and how global power shifts took place after World War I and World War II.
  • H2.[9-12].22 Explain how the break-up of the Soviet Union and other Eastern European communist governments led to the formation of new nations.
Contemporary Global Issues
  • H2.[9-12].23 Explain the objectives of various independence movements and analyze the political factors that contributed to the change of a nation.
  • H2.[9-12].24 Discuss examples of contemporary ethnic conflicts and explain how those conflicts have changed nations.
  • H2.[9-12].25 Discuss major reasons for tensions and conflicts in the contemporary world and efforts that have been made to address them.

Content Standard H3.0 - Social Responsibility & Change - Students understand how social ideas and individual action lead to social, political, economic, and technological change.

The Modern World
  • H3.[9-12].12 Analyze how post-World War II science and technology augmented United States economic strength, transformed daily life, and influenced the world economy and politics.
  • H3.[9-12].13 Analyze major news events and their impact at the local, state, national, and world levels.
  • H3.[9-12].14 Compare and contrast racial segregation in the United States with other racial and social policies, i.e., apartheid in South Africa.
  • H3.[9-12].15 Explain the impact of the five major world religions on the world's political and social fabric.
  • H3.[9-12].16 Analyze the responses of individuals to restrictive social and political systems.
  • H3.[9-12].17 Analyze how ideals and institutions of freedom, equality, justice, and citizenship have changed.
  • H3.[9-12].18 Evaluate the worldwide implications of advancements in nuclear, electronic, and computer and medical technologies.
  • H3.[9-12].19 Explain how literature, music, and art are ways people voice protest or support, and prompt social change.
  • H3.[9-12].20 Determine the causes and consequences of genocidal conflicts, i.e., the Holocaust, Armenia, Bosnia, Rwanda, and Darfur.
  • H3.[9-12].21 Analyze the causes, consequences, and moral implications of ethnic conflicts around the world.
  • H3.[9-12].22 Explain the changing role of race, class, and gender.
  • H3.[9-12].23 Explain how literature, music, media, and the visual arts affect social change.
  • H3.[9-12].24 Examine the ideals and institutions of freedom, equality, justice, and citizenship, and explain how they have changed.
  • H3.[9-12].25 Understand how border disputes reflected and influenced peoples' conceptions of identity.

Content Standard H4.0 - International Relationships & Power - Students understand the interaction and interdependence of nations around the world. Students understand the impact of economics, politics, religion, and culture on international relationships.

Imperialism & the World Wars
  • H4.[9-12].11 Explain the impact of imperialism and colonial rule on African, Asian, and South American peoples and the resulting independence movements in Africa, Asia, and South America.
  • H4.[9-12].12 Describe the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution, i.e., Marxism, Leninism, and Bolshevism.
  • H4.[9-12].13 Discuss the causes, characteristics, and consequences of European and Japanese imperialism prior to World War II.
  • H4.[9-12].14 Analyze the causes, course, and effects of World War I and World War II on the world.
The Cold War
  • H4.[9-12].15 Describe the significance of the breakup of the USSR and the influence of the international and economic factors that contributed to the end of the Cold War.
  • H4.[9-12].16 Examine the decline of colonial rule and the development of independent nations.
  • H4.[9-12].17 Describe the rise of totalitarian societies in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
  • H4.[9-12].18 Explain the impact of world commerce on the relationships between developed and developing nations.
  • H4.[9-12].19 Describe the contributions of the social, political, and economic characteristics of modern Latin American, African, Chinese, Indian, and Japanese civilizations.
Contemporary Global Issues
  • H4.[9-12].20 Describe tensions in contemporary Islamic countries over reconciling traditional and Western influences.
  • H4.[9-12].21 Analyze the political and religious factors that contribute to the instability in the Middle East.
  • H4.[9-12].22 Describe how political and economic alliances affect peoples and countries.
  • H4.[9-12].23 Describe how global issues such as human rights, the environment, regional conflicts, and health issues affect nations differently.
  • H4.[9-12].24 Analyze how the contemporary political climate has changed personal and national security within and among nations.