Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

Content Literacy

Content literacy is the acquisition and application of reading, writing and oral communication skills to construct knowledge.
  • Read texts by using reading strategies (i.e., prior knowledge, identify key vocabulary words, context clues, main ideas, supporting details, and text features: pictures, maps, text boxes).
  • Read for a specific purpose (i.e., detect cause & effect relationships, compare & contrast information, identify fact v. opinion, and author bias).
  • Respond to historical texts and various types of social studies literature by inferring, drawing conclusions, making predictions, and formulating historic, geographic, economic, and civic questions.
  • Process or synthesize information through writing using note taking, graphic organizers, summaries, proper sequencing of events, and/or formulating thesis statements that examine why as well as how.

Information, Media & Technology

Information, media, & technology literacy is the acquisition, organization, use, and evaluation of information that prepares students to be active, informed, and literate citizens.
  • Formulate appropriate research questions.
  • Conduct research by gathering, organizing, and evaluating the credibility and bias of information from a variety of online, print, and non-print sources.
  • Process and effectively communicate and present information orally, in writing, and through development of web sites, multimedia presentations, and other forms of technology.
  • Critically analyze messages in the media to detect propaganda, censorship, and bias.
  • Create, interpret, analyze and detect bias in maps, graphs, charts, diagrams.
  • Demonstrate and advocate for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology.
  • Collaborate with peers, experts, and others to contribute to a content related knowledge base, e.g., use of blogs, wikis, podcasts, etc. to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information.

Historical Analysis & Interpretation

To engage in historical analysis and interpretation students must draw upon their skills of historical comprehension by studying a rich variety of historical documents and artifacts that present alternative voices, accounts, and interpretations or perspectives on the past.
  • Analyze patterns of historical continuity and change to demonstrate chronological thinking.
  • Analyze and evaluate primary and secondary sources for historical perspectives.
  • Differentiate between historical memory and historical fact.
  • Apply social studies (content & skills) to real life situations.
  • Extract significant ideas from social studies sources and frame historical questions.
  • Use primary and secondary sources to analyze and interpret history.
  • Compare multiple perspectives of historical events, using a variety of sources.
  • Analyze and interpret primary sources to answer a historical question.

Civic Participation

Civic Participation includes the skills necessary to prepare students to be active, informed, and literate citizens.
  • Demonstrate responsibility for the well-being of oneself, family, and the community.
  • Discuss issues and events that have an impact on people at local, state, national, and global levels.
  • Actively participate in civic and community life at local, state, national, and global levels.
  • Seek information from varied sources and perspectives to develop informed opinions and creative solutions.
  • Ask meaningful questions and analyze and evaluate information and ideas.
  • Identify sources and perspectives that influence the formation of opinions and creative solutions.
  • Use effective decision-making and problem-solving skills in public and private life.
  • Collaborate effectively as a member of a group.