Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

Content Standard C13.0 - Citizenship and the Law - Students know why society needs rules, laws, and government and understand the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizens.

Rules & Law
  • C13.[9-12].1 Explain the concept of the rule of law in the establishment of the U.S. Constitution.
  • C13.[9-12].2 Analyze major conflicts in social, political, and economic life and evaluate the role of compromise in the resolution of these issues.
  • C13.[9-12].3 Describe the historic influences of ideas, i.e., Greek law, Magna Carta, Iroquois League, Social Contract Theory, Natural Rights Philosophy, and Republicanism on the creation of early U.S. documents.
  • C13.[9-12].4 Describe how the Nevada and U.S. Constitution serve as devices for preserving state and national principles and as vehicles for change, including the formal and informal amendment processes.
  • C13.[9-12].5 Analyze the United States Constitution and its amendments in protecting individual rights, including the Fourteenth Amendment's provisions for due process and equal protection of in- dividual rights through the examination of landmark cases, i.e.,
    • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
    • Gideon v. Wainwright
    • Miranda v. Arizona
    • Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District
  • C13.[9-12].6 Examine the rights of citizens and how these rights are protected and restricted.
  • C13.[9-12].7 Analyze and evaluate the role of citizen participation in civic life.
  • C13.[9-12].8 Examine the responsibilities of local, state, and national citizenship
  • C13.[9-12].9 Interpret the symbols and documents of a nation and analyze how they represent its identity.

Content Standard C14.0 - The Federal System: U.S., State, and Local Governments - Students understand the U.S. Constitution and the government it creates, including the relationship between national and sub-national governments, as well as the structure and function of state and local governments.

Governmental Structures
  • C14.[9-12].6 Examine the organization of the U.S. Constitution and describe the structure it creates, including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
  • C14.[9-12].7 Examine the organization of the Nevada Constitution and describe the structure it creates, including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
  • C14.[9-12].8 Explain the structure and function of local governments.
  • C14.[9-12].9 Analyze the effectiveness of checks and balances in maintaining the equal division of power.
  • C14.[9-12].10 Describe the creation of laws through the legislative process.
  • C14.[9-12].11 Describe the duties of the executive branch, including:
    • Cabinet/departments
    • Regulatory commissions
    • Executive Office of the President/White House staff
  • C14.[9-12].12 Describe the structure and jurisdiction of the federal court system and analyze the power of judicial review.
  • C14.[9-12].13 Explain the state and local judicial processes such as juvenile, civil, and criminal court systems.

Content Standard C15.0 - The Political Process - Students describe the roles of political parties, elections, interest groups, media, and public opinion in the democratic process.

Elections & Leadership
  • C15.[9-12].1 Assess the processes by which leaders are selected in the U.S. political system and analyze the role of the Electoral College system in the election of the President.
  • C15.[9-12].2 Analyze the role and function of political parties in public policy and the electoral process.
Formulation of Public Opinion
  • C15.[9-12].3 Evaluate the significance of interest groups and public opinion in the political process of a democratic society.
  • C15.[9-12].4 Analyze the role of the media in the process of political persuasion.
  • C15.[9-12].5 Evaluate propaganda in the political process.
  • C15.[9-12].6 Describe the process by which public policy is formulated and implemented.

Content Standard C16.0 - Global Relations - Students explain the different political systems in the world and how those systems relate to the United States and its citizens.

Global Relations
  • C16.[9-12].1 Summarize and evaluate the significant characteristics of the world's major political systems:
  • C16.[9-12].2 Analyze the conflict between U.S. policies of isolationism versus intervention in world affairs.
  • C16.[9-12].3 Identify and analyze U.S. foreign policy in dealing with international issues, i.e., diplomacy, economic policy, humanitarian aid, and military intervention.
  • C16.[9-12].4 Critique the role of international organizations, i.e., the United Nations, World Bank, Amnesty International, and the International Red Cross.