Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

Content Standard H1.0 - People, Cultures, and Civilizations - Students understand the development, characteristics, and interaction of people, cultures, societies, religion and ideas.

The Gilded Age & the Progressive Era
  • H1.[9-12].1 Assess the impact of the Industrial Revolution on race, class, and gender.
  • H1.[9-12].2 Discuss the influences of American industrialists on the rise of corporate capitalism.
  • H1.[9-12].3 Assess the impact of technological innovations and urbanization on society's social and economic development.
  • H1.[9-12].4 Define nativism and explain the political and social responses to immigration into the United States.
  • H1.[9-12].5 Identify the causes and analyze the consequences of labor movements in the United States.
  • H1.[9-12].6 Explain how 20th century social movements led to the emergence of a pluralistic society.
The 1920's
  • H1.[9-12].7 Evaluate how cultural developments in the arts, literature, architecture, education, media, and leisure activities have reflected and changed society.
  • H1.[9-12].8 Discuss the effects of early technologies on society, i.e., communication, transportation, and manufacturing.
  • H1.[9-12].15 Analyze the cultural, social, and economic changes that occurred as a result of industrialization.
  • H1.[9-12].16 Analyze how industrialization, migration, changing diets, and scientific and medical advances have affected worldwide demographics.

Content Standard H2.0 - Nation Building and Development - Students understand the people, events, ideas, and conflicts that lead to the evolution of nations, empires, distinctive cultures, and political and economic ideas.

Revolutionary America
  • H2.[9-12].1 Summarize the concepts and results of the American Revolution and post revolutionary outcomes as they apply to the 20th Century.
Civil War & Reconstruction
  • H2.[9-12].2 Summarize the concepts and results of the Civil War and Reconstruction as they apply to the 20th Century.
Development of the West in the 19th Century
  • H2.[9-12].3 Analyze how different cultures, points of view, and self-interests influence compromise and conflict over territories, borders, and resources.
  • H2.[9-12].4 Describe the final settlement of the West and federal policy toward Native Americans, i.e., the Dawes Act, Plains Wars, and the reservation system.
Imperialism & World War I
  • H2.[9-12].5 Assess the contributions of immigrant groups to the development of the United States.
  • H2.[9-12].6 Define imperialism and discuss its impact on U.S. political relations with other nations.
  • H2.[9-12].7 Discuss the causes and consequences of U. S. policies regarding expansion and diplomacy.
  • H2.[9-12].8 Discuss the economic and political effects of World War I on the United States.
Great Depression & the New Deal
  • H2.[9-12].9 Describe the causes and consequences of the Great Depression.
  • H2.[9-12].10 Analyze the policies and programs of the New Deal, and their effects on political, economic, and diplomatic institutions.
World War II
  • H2.[9-12].11 Describe the cultural, economic, political, and technological impact of World War II on the United States.
The Cold War
  • H2.[9-12].12 Describe the causes and effects of changing demographics and developing suburbanization in the United States.
  • H2.[9-12].13 Explain the effects of Cold War policies on U.S. involvement in Korea and Vietnam.
The 1960's & 1970's
  • H2.[9-12].14 Examine the changes in the political culture of the United States during the 1960's and 1970's, i.e., Assassination of JFK, Watergate, Iranian Hostage Crisis.
Contemporary Global Issues
  • H2.[9-12].15 Explain the economic, political, and technological impact of the following conflicts on the United States, i.e., Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf War, Iraq, and the War on Terror.

Content Standard H3.0 - Social Responsibility & Change - Students understand how social ideas and individual action lead to social, political, economic, and technological change.

The Gilded Age & Progressive Era
  • H3.[9-12].1 Describe key people and explain their struggle for the expansion of African American rights during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • H3.[9-12].2 Describe the rise of corporations and analyze working conditions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • H3.[9-12].3 Analyze the contributions of inventors and innovators that led to a change in society.
  • H3.[9-12].4 Determine the causes and effects of the Populist and Progressive Movements.
  • H3.[9-12].5 Analyze major social movements in the United States and explain their impact on the changing social and political culture, i.e., the Populist and Progressive Movements.
  • H3.[9-12].6 Examine social tensions in the post-World War I era, i.e., radical politics, immigration restrictions, internal migration, religious fundamentalism, and racism.
  • H3.[9-12].7 Describe the development of the women's suffrage movement and the subsequent passage of the 19th Amendment.
Civil Rights & the 1960's
  • H3.[9-12].8 Explain how the social and economic opportunities of the post-World War II era contributed to social responsibility and change.
  • H3.[9-12].9 Identify and describe the major issues, events, and people of minority rights movements, i.e., Civil Rights Act of 1964, Black Power Movement, United Farm Workers, American Indian Movement, Viva La Raza, and Women's Rights Movement.
Cold War
  • H3.[9-12].10 Analyze how post-World War II science and technology augmented United States economic strength, transformed daily life, and influenced the world economy and politics.
  • H3.[9-12].11 Compare and contrast the social impact of the Cold War and the War on Terror on the United States.

Content Standard H4.0 - International Relationships & Power - Students understand the interaction and interdependence of nations around the world. Students understand the impact of economics, politics, religion, and culture on international relationships.

World War I & World War II
  • H4.[9-12].1 Describe and interpret the causes and effects of World War I and World War II on the relationship between the United States and Europe.
The Cold War
  • H4.[9-12].2 Discuss the key people, ideas, and events of the Cold War era and analyze their impact on economic and political policy in the United States.
  • H4.[9-12].3 Analyze how international policies contributed to the end of the Cold War.
The Contemporary World
  • H4.[9-12].4 Identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States from the end of Vietnam to 9/11/2001.
  • H4.[9-12].5 Discuss the impact of conflicts on U.S. economic, political, and social position in the world, i.e., Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Iraq, and the War on Terror.
  • H4.[9-12].6 Analyze how major sources of tension or conflict influenced the current political climate in the United States, i.e., September 11th, Patriot Act, and security issues.
  • H4.[9-12].7 Describe the United States' policy concerning strategic, political, and economic interests on the Middle East, Latin America, Mexico, immigration, trade, and the environment.
  • H4.[9-12].8 Explore the influence of popular U.S. culture on the culture of other nations and vice versa.
  • H4.[9-12].9 Evaluate the influence of U.S. cultural ideas on other nations.
  • H4.[9-12].10 Explore the influence of various world cultures on the United States.