Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

Content Standard G5.0 - The World in Spatial Terms: Students use maps, globes, and other geographic tools and technologies to locate and extrapolate information about people, places, and environments.

Map Elements & Concepts
Map Selection & Analysis
  • G5.9-12.2 Analyze and interpret geographic information by selecting appropriate maps, map projections, and other representations, i.e., urban planning, national parks.
  • G5.9-12.3 Apply concepts and models of spatial organization an use quantitative methods to identify and make decisions about geographic information.
  • G5.9-12.4 Analyze a variety of complex maps, i.e., topographic, demographic, and land use, to acquire geographic information.
Map Construction
Map Use & Geographic Tools
  • G5.9-12.6 Analyze maps for purpose, accuracy, content, and design.
  • G5.9-12.7 Analyze and interpret Earth's physical and human features using appropriate geographic tools and technologies.
  • G5.9-12.8 Select and design maps, graphs, diagrams, tables, or charts to organize geographic information using a variety of technologies.

Content Standard G6.0 - Places & Regions - Students understand the physical and human features of places and use this information to define and study regions and their patterns of change.

Application of Concepts & Characteristics of Places & Regions
  • G6.[9-12].1 Determine how relationships between humans and the physical environment lead to the development of and connections among places and regions.
  • G6.[9-12].2 Explain why characteristics of place change.
  • G6.[9-12].3 Apply the concept of region to organize and study a geographic issue.
  • G6.[9-12].4 Analyze selected historical issues, demographics, and questions using the geographic concept of regions.
Cultural Identity & Perspective
Patterns of Change & Impact of Technology
  • G6.[9-12].7 Determine how tools affect the way cultural groups perceive and use resources within places and regions.

Content Standard G7.0 - Human Systems - Students understand how economic, political, and cultural processes interact to shape patterns of human migration and settlement, influence and interdependence, and conflict and cooperation.

Demographic Concepts
Migration & Settlement
  • G7.[9-12].2 Evaluate the impact of migration and settlement on physical and human systems.
  • G7.[9-12].3 Analyze the development of civilizations and the impact it has on the changes and progress of human development.
Rural & Urban Communities
Analysis of Economic Issues
  • G7.[9-12].6 Analyze and evaluate international economic issues from a spatial perspective.
  • G7.[9-12].7 Analyze how location and distance connect to influence economic systems at local, national, and international levels.
Human Organizations
  • G7.[9-12].8 Evaluate changes in the size and structure of cultural, political, and economic organizations.

Content Standard G8.0 - Environment and Society - Students understand effects of interactions between human and physical systems and the changes in use, distribution, and importance of resources.

Changes in the Physical Environment
  • G8.[9-12].1 Analyze how changes in the physical environment can increase or diminish its capacity to support human activity.
Technology Modifications of the Physical Environment
Effects of Natural Hazards on Human Systems
Management of Earth's Resources
  • G8.[9-12].5 Analyze patterns of use, the changing distribution, and relative importance of Earth's resources.
  • G8.[9-12].6 Develop policies for the use and management of Earth's resources that consider the various interests involved.