Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.


An ethnic group, tribe, or other set of individuals descended from a common ancestor.
Radical Politics:
Extreme views far beyond the norm; markedly new or different view point - e.g., extremist racial view points, extremist political viewpoints, ideas that are not considered the norm at the time.
The approval or confirmation of a governmental proposal.
Real GDP:
Gross Domestic Product adjusted for the negative impact that inflation has on buying power.
Real Interest Rate:
An interest rate that has been adjusted for the negative effect inflation has on buying power.
A period of time during which the real GDP of the economy is decreasing. An extreme recession is a depression.
A period of United States history from 1865-1877 during which Southern states were reorganized politically, ending with the withdrawal of federal troops.
A religious movement that began in 1517 when Martin Luther challenged the authority of the Pope and the Catholic Church and resulted in Protestantism.
An area with characteristics or features that give it a measure of homogeneity and make it different from surrounding areas.
Relative Location:
The location of a point expressed in relationship to the location of other points.
Religious Fundamentalism:
A set of religious beliefs based on a literal interpretation of the Bible and regarded as fundamental to Christian faith and morals; a 20th century movement among some Protestant sects in the United States.
The revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe in the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, beginning in Italy and spreading gradually to other European countries.
Renewable Resource:
A natural resource that is replenished by natural processes such as oxygen, fresh water, and timber.
Representative Government:
A form of government in which power is held by the people and exercised indirectly through elected representatives who make decisions.
A representative form of government.
Reserve Requirement:
The percentage of deposits set by the Federal Reserve that a financial institution must hold in cash.
Reservation System:
A policy of the United States government to restrict the habitation of Native Americans to designated land.
Reserved Powers:
The powers not delegated to the national government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the states, are reserved to the states, or the people.
In geography, it is an aspect of the physical environment that people value and use to meet a need for fuel, food, and industrial production, or something else of value. In economics, it is anything that can satisfy a want.
Resource Allocation:
A particular distribution of resource at a given time among competing alternative uses (e.g. how we allocate time on activities such as school. Work, recreation, etc.)
Restricted Trade:
Trade that is limited by government regulation.
Rule of Law:
The principle that every member of a society, even a ruler, must follow the law.
Rule of Man:
The ability of government officials and others to govern by their personal desires.
Like or having to do with a place away from a city.