Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.


Labor Force:
The number of people who are either working or those actively seeking work.
Labor Union:
A group of workers who join together to affect wage rates and working conditions.
The position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape.
Land Use(s):
The range of uses of the Earth's surface made by humans. Uses are classified as urban, rural, agricultural, forests, etc., with more specific sub-classifications useful for specific purposes (for example, low-density residential, light industrial, nursery crops).
Location north and south of the equator measured by imaginary lines (parallels) numbered in degrees north or south.
Law of Demand:
The tendency for people to be willing to buy less when the price is higher.
Law of Supply:
The tendency for people to be willing to sell more when the price is higher.
Leisure Activities:
An unpaid action that gives an individual satisfaction.
Limited Power:
Restricting the power of one level of government by establishing powers at another level.
Local Government:
A county and/or municipal government that may include special districts.
A specific place on the Earth's surface.
Location east or west of the prime meridian measured by imaginary lines (meridians) numbered in degrees east or west.