Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.


A form of political organization in which governmental power is divided between a central government and territorial subdivisions (e.g. states).
An economic, political, and social system in medieval Europe in which land was held by vassals in exchange for military and other services given to overlords.
Feudal Relationship:
Agreed-upon mutual obligations between lord and vassal.
Financial Institution:
Organization whose core business is coordinating the activities of borrowers and lenders.
Fine Arts:
Art, photography, dance, sculpture, architecture, and music.
Fiscal Policy:
Federal government actions related to government spending and/or taxation.
Foreign Policy:
The actions and positions that a nation takes in every aspect of its relationships in world affairs.
Breaking away from the whole.
Free Market:
A market in which government neither regulates the price nor the quantity bought and sold.
Free Trade:
Trade that is not limited by government regulation.