Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.


A decrease in the general level of prices.
Delegated Powers:
Those powers the Constitution grants to the national government.
The quantity of a good or service that buyers are willing to buy. (v.) To offer to buy goods and services.
A form of government in which political control is exercised by the people either directly or through their elected representatives.
Democratic Capitalism:
A social system in which many resources are allocated through free markets and government decisions are made through democratic processes.
Pertaining to the study of population statistics, changes, and trends based on various measures such as birth rate (adding to a population), death rate (subtracting from a population), migration (redistribution), literacy rate, per capita income, and gross domestic product.
Desert Archaic People:
Prehistoric Nevada inhabitants, such as the Lovelock Cave people.
Developed Countries:
An area of the world that is technologically advanced, highly urbanized, and has generally evolved through both economic and demographic transitions.
Developing Countries:
A country that is changing from uneven growth to more constant economic conditions and that is generally characterized by low rates of urbanization, relatively high rates of infant mortality and illiteracy, and relatively low rates of life expectancy and energy use.
A system of government in which a single leader has complete authority to rule.
Discount Rate:
The interest rate that banks must pay when they borrow from the Federal Reserve.
The arrangement of items over a specified area; in economics, the allocation of goods and services.
Due Process:
Guarantee of fair and equal treatment under the law.