Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.


One who owes allegiance to a nation and is entitled to its protection.
Civil Court:
A court that handles cases relating to disputes between two or more individuals or organizations.
An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions.
Civil Rights:
Equal treatment of all people with respect to protection of the law and to the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property.
People having the same social or economic status.
Cold War:
A period of conflict, tension, and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, from the mid 1940's until the early 1990's.
Colonial Rule:
The extension of a nation's sovereignty over territory beyond its borders by the establishment of either settler colonies or administrative dependencies in which indigenous populations are directly ruled or displaced.
Command Economy:
An economic system in which goods and services are allocated by a central authority.
The buying and selling of goods, especially on a large scale, as between cities or nations.
Commodity (commodities):
An object that has use value of its own. Sometimes commodities like gold can be used as money.
An economic and political system in which property and goods are owned by the government and products are shared by all.
Community (communities):
Interaction of people in a common area; places where people live, work, and play.
Compass Rose:
Map graphic displaying cardinal directions.
The rivalry among sellers and rivalry among buyers in a market.
Complex Maps (special purpose/thematic/complex maps):
A map representing a specific spatial distribution, theme, or topic, for example population density, cattle production, or climates of the world.
Concurrent Powers:
Any powers that may be exercised by both the federal government and state governments.
Body of fundamental law, setting out the basic principles, structures, processes, and functions of a government, and placing limits upon its actions.
Consumer Price Index (CPI):
An index that measures the average level of prices of goods and services typically consumed by an urban American family.
A person who buys and uses goods and services.
A business with multiple owners, whose director and officers are individually liable, but all owners (shareholders and stockholders) are not.
Anything lost or sacrificed when a choice is made.
Money borrowed or the capacity to borrow money.
Credit Rating:
A number that reflects the quality of a borrower regarding the likelihood of being consistent on paying bills and making loan payments on time.
Criminal Court:
A court that handles cases relating to the violation of law.
Cultural Characteristic:
Social groups, language, religion, daily life, arts, government systems, economic systems, and history.
Cultural Diffusion:
The spreading of a cultural trait (e.g., material object, idea, or behavior pattern) from one society to another.
Cultural Identity:
The cultural background and behavioral distinctiveness an individual tends to identify with and be associated.
Learned behavior of people, which includes their belief systems and languages, their social relationships and customs, their institutions and organizations, and their material.