Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.


A movement calling for the prohibition of slavery.
Absolute location:
A unique or exact position on the Earth's surface as expressed by a grid reference such as latitude and longitude.
Agrarian Society:
A society based on agriculture as its prime means for support and sustenance.
Any relevant political or economic arrangement between countries with mutual benefit. For example: Triple Entente - consisting of Great Britain, France and Russia; Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire (Turkey, Bulgaria); NATO, Warsaw Pact, NAFTA.
A particular distribution, e.g., a resource allocation is a particular distribution of resources during a particular point in time.
Antebellum America:
A period of U.S. history prior to the United States Civil War, 1830-1861.
Anti - Federalists:
A term referring to those who opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Any object made, modified, or used by people.