Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

Human Geography Textbook

1 - Basic Concepts


How do geographers describe where things are?

Why is each point on earth unique?

Why are different places similar?

Why are some human actions not sustainable?

2 - Population and Health


Where is the world's population distributed?

Why is global population increasing?

Why does population growth vary among regions?

Why do some regions face health threats?

3 - Migration


Where are migrants distributed?

Where do people migrate within a country?

Why do people migrate?

Why do migrants face obstacles?

4 - Folk and Popular Culture


Where are folk and popular leisure activities distributed?

Where are folk and popular material culture distributed?

Why is access to folk and popular culture unequal?

Why do folk and popular culture face sustainability challenges?

5 - Languages


Where are languages distributed?

Why is English related to other languages?

Why do individual languages vary among places?

Why do people preserve local languages?

6 - Religions


Where are religions distributed?

Why do religions have different distributions?

Why do religions organize space in distinctive patterns?

Why do territorial conflicts arise among religious groups?

7 - Ethnicities


Where are ethnicities distributed?

Why do ethnicities have distinctive distributions?

Why do conflicts arise among ethnicities?

Why do ethnicities engage in ethnic cleansing and genocide?

8 - Political Geography


Where are states distributed?

Why are nation-states difficult to create?

Why do boundaries cause problems?

Why do states cooperate and compete with each other?

9 - Development


Why does development vary among countries?

Why does development vary by gender?

Why are energy resources important for development?

Why do countries face obstacles to development?

10 - Food and Agriculture


Where did agriculture originate?

Why do people consume different foods?

Where is agriculture distributed?

Why do farmers face economic difficulties?

11 - Industry and Manufacturing


Where is industry distributed?

Why are situation and site factors important?

Where does industry cause pollution?

Why are situation and site factors changing?

12 - Services and Settlements


Where are services distributed?

Where are consumer services distributed?

Where are business services distributed?

Why do services cluster in settlements?

13 - Urban Patterns


Why do services cluster downtown?

Where are people distributed within urban areas?

Why are urban areas expanding?

Why do cities face challenges?