1. arminsaysno
  2. Dictionary
  3. Project Outline
  4. Project Topics

Topic Research

Explain how Europe benefited from cultural diffusion during the period c. A.D. 1000 - 1500.

  • Equitably divide the following topics among your group members. Please, no duplicates.

1. Arabic Numbers 21. Hygiene & Cosmetics
2. Architecture 22. Maritime Law
3. Art 23. Medicine
4. Banking 24. Musical Instruments
5. Buttons 25. Navigational Instruments
6. Caravel 26. New Foods
7. Carpets 27. New Words
8. Classical Knowledge 28. Optics
9. Clocks 29. Paper
10. Composite Bow 30. Printing Press
11. Concentric Castles 31. Samite
12. Cotton 32. Science
13. Crane 33. Silk
14. Economic Expansion 34. Sugar
15. Geographic Knowledge 35. Textiles
16. Glassmaking 36. Trade
17. Growth of Royal Governments 37. Trebuchet
18. Gunpowder 38. University
19. Handkerchief 39. Wheelbarrow
20. Herbs & Spices 40. Zero
  • Your goal is to convince your group to either choose your subject or not. If you fail to complete your part, the group may NOT choose that subject.

  • Define cultural diffusion.

  • Identify & describe the three types of cultural diffusion.

  • Complete a concept pattern for each of your topics. Be sure to complete the required paragraph.