Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

The Great War

» The Great War » White Man's War

Men from the Egyptian Labor Corps

It was terrible and hard... We were black and we were nothing. Because of the color of our skins, the Germans called us boots.

This hurt every black man, because they actually underestimated us, and disgraced and dishonored us.

1. Why did Britain and France need soldiers from their African colonies?

2. Why was Kande Kamara willing to fight in a white man's war?

3. Describe Kamara's 6-day journey from Africa to Europe.

4. What were parades? What would Kamara think of them?

5. What did Kamara think of the trench system?

6. How did the Germans react to African troops?

7. Afterwards, how did Kamara regard European civilization?

Women Munitions Workers

8. What did many women do during the war?


9. In Britain, how many women worked in the munitions factories?

10. Describe the working conditions in these factories.

11. What was one of the first signs of TNT poisoning?

12. What happened to the hair and faces of the women workers?

13. What did the women gain from entering war factories?

14. Did these gains continue after the war? EXPLAIN.