
12.4 (A) Text Quiz

Human Geography

Why do services cluster in settlements?

What is your first name?

What is your last name?

The most significant impact that Great Britain's enclosure movement made on the rural landscape was to

A place where farm buildings, homes, and churches are found close together is what kind of settlement?

Heterogeneity is more a characteristic of

The city-state is an example of

The fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century A.D. brought about what change in urban settlements?

Which of the following is considered to be a hearth of urban settlement?

Urbanization can be analyzed by looking at the increase in the ________ of people living in cities.

The most significant anticipated benefit of the enclosure movement was to

Which statement best describes the relationship between urbanization and the Industrial Revolution in Europe?

Use the following map to answer the question that follows.

The map above of the percentage living in urban settlements indicates that the following countries are more than 75 percent urban:

Use the following map to answer the question that follows.

The map above of the percentage living in urban settlements indicates that in the following countries, less than half of the people live in urban areas:

Use the following map to answer the question that follows.

The map above of major urban settlements indicates that the vast majority of cities with more than two million residents