Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

5.2 (A) Text Quiz

Human Geography

Why is English related to other languages?

What is your first name?

What is your last name?

Both the Angles and the Normans contributed to the development of the English language, because they

Dialects developed within England primarily because

The language spoken by soldiers stationed throughout the Roman Empire was known as

According to Colin Renfrew's research, Indo-European languages diffused across Europe

English is part of which language branch?

English is part of which language family?

The second-largest language family is

Which of the following is not a Romance language?

The Kurgans

According to the maps and diagrams in this chapter, the Germanic invaders of England included which groups or tribes?

Russian is part of what language branch?

The survival of any language relies on