A witty saying proves nothing. - Voltaire

World War Two

» The Angel of Death

What is your first name?

What is your last name?

Dr. Josef Mengele was one of the most notorious Nazis of World War II. He is known for the time he spent as a doctor at the concentration camp at Auschwitz. Having joined the Nazi party at age 26, Mengele served on the front lines until he was injured on the Russian front in 1942. After that he was transferred to Auschwitz, where he tortured and murdered thousands of victims in cruel experiments.

When he arrived at Auschwitz, Mengele was put to work greeting arriving prisoners. His job was to sort them into two categories: those that could work and those that would immediately be put to death in the gas chamber. Witnesses have reported that when children arrived, he would draw a line on the wall to determine the height that would decide their life or death. Yet even these heartless actions paled in comparison to the brutal experiments and surgeries he performed on prisoners. Mengele sterilized women using x-ray machines that burned them severely; he injected chemicals into children's eyes in efforts to change their color; and he used high voltage shock treatments on people simply to test their ability to endure pain. Furthermore, he rarely used any type of anesthesia for such experiments. It was these and other horrific acts that earned Mengele the nickname the angel of death.

Unfortunately, though, Mengele never had to answer for his crimes. When the Americans closed in on Auschwitz, he was captured as a prisoner-of-war but somehow managed to gain release under a false name. Then with help from family and friends, Mengele escaped to Argentina, a popular destination for wanted war criminals because of the nation's support of the Nazis.

Josef Mengele lived for three decades in fear of capture, but his constant movements, name changes, and false sightings of him around the world allowed him to evade capture. Never having to stand trial, Mengele died in Brazil in 1979 at the age of 68. He was swimming in the sea and suffered a massive stroke and drowned. Afterward, his son Rolf (who has since changed his name) reported a visit with his father two years earlier. At that time, Rolf said, Mengele claimed without apology that he had never personally harmed anyone in his whole life.

Answer the following questions from the reading above.

The word notorious in the first paragraph likely means


Which of these is NOT supported by passage information?

Mengele's family members were ashamed of him.
Mengele did not take responsibility for his actions.
Mengele did not practice medicine to heal people.
Mengele avoided capture due to a lot of sheer luck.

Do you think it is important to spend time and money trying to hunt down people like Josef Mengele? Why?
(Requires Paragraph)