Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

The Great War

The Tommy's Tongue

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Q - Queen

Quarter Bloke:
Quartermaster. Officer usually commissioned from the ranks and responsible for the supply of accommodation, food, clothing and other equipment to the unit, via the Company Quartermaster Sergeants. When an issue of new kit was requested, the Quarterbloke's stock answer would usually be: Stores is for storing things; if they was for issuing things then they would be called issues.
Quarter to Ten:
British 9.45 inch trench mortar. The projectile was called a flying pig
A file or line of people waiting their turn.
Quick Firer:
Field Service Post Card (Army Form A2042). The card consisted of a number of pre-printed sentences which could be deleted as appropriate. Nothing, except the address of the recipient, was to be written on the post card in order to alleviate the problems of censorship.