Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

The Great War

The Tommy's Tongue

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N - Nuts

Gone, finished. From French i'l n'y en a plus, there is no more. British troops in Russia or who had returned from German prisoner of war camps often used nichevo, a Russian word with the same meaning.
Nothing, no. From German nichts.
No Man's Land:
The territory between the two front lines.
Non - Stop:
Enemy shell that has passed well overhead.
Number Nine:
Sick. The British army's No.9 was a laxative pill. Handed out indiscriminately by the MO, but especially to those men who were classified M&D (medicine & duty) or NYD (not yet diagnosed). Also known as the Star of the Movies. Gave rise to the bingo caller's expression doctor's orders - number nine, the game itself being one of the more popular respectable pastimes amongst soldiers.