Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

The Great War

The Tommy's Tongue

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J - Johnnie

Jack Johnson:
German shell bursting with black smoke. After the boxer Jack (John Arthur) Johnson (1878-1946), the first black American world heavyweight champion (1908-1915).
Military Police.
Latrines. Expression dating back to Elizabethan times.
Originally, home-made or improvised bombs made from jam-tins, mainly used before widespread introduction of the Mills Bomb. Later on in the war, however, jam was issued in cardboard tubes. See Tickler's. The expression was also used as a nickname for the No.8 and No.9 Double Cylinder grenades of late 1914 and early 1915 due to their resemblance to jam tins.
A minor punishment, fatigues. Usually performed whilst confined to barracks (CB). Origin unknown, but may be related to jangle, which had an archaic sense of to grumble.
Bread. From French pain.
Severe bombardment. ...this Hun Archie spotted us and opened fire and gave us Jericho for five minutes - the best shooting I have seen so far! - 2Lt Gerard Robin, 41 Squadron, RFC.
German. Expression became popular later in the war, eventually coming into it's own during World War Two. Supposedly in reference to the German helmet's similarity to a jeroboam, a chamber-pot.
Jerry Up!
Warning exclamation that a German aeroplane was overhead and may drop bombs. A warning to put out all lights.
Quick, hurry up. From Hindustani.
Juice or gravy, especially of bacon. Very popular at mealtimes. Also the shout given by Army Service Corps cooks to announce mealtimes.
Soldier in a Scottish regiment.
A Turk. From Johnny Turk.
Battalions (38th - 42nd) of the Royal Fusiliers, consisting of Jewish officers and men. The regiment was able to provide the necessary dietary and other religious conditions required by members of the faith.
Jump Off:
To begin an attack. The jumping off point was the start line of the attack in the front line trench.
Jumping the Bags:
Going over the top. Attacking over the sandbags of the trench parapet.