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The Great War

» The Great War » Recognizing Propaganda

Red Cross or Iron Cross
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Propaganda consists of ideas, information, or rumors that are spread deliberately for the purpose of influencing people's thoughts or actions.

The goal of propagandists, or those who create and spread propaganda, is to further their own cause or damage an opposing cause. The information given may be true. However, it is usually only one side of an issue or may be presented in a distorted manner.

Propaganda can be directed at either a country's own population or the population of the enemy, depending on the desired effect. It can also be delivered in many different forms. Many countries, including the United States had special departments within the government whose sole purpose was the creation and spreading of propaganda.

Propaganda has been used throughout history. During World War One, both the Allies and Central Powers used propaganda to win and maintain public support for the war effort. One of the most frequently used methods a country used for spreading propaganda among its own population was posters.

1. What is propaganda? (Complete Sentence)

2. What two types of population can propaganda be directed at? (Complete Sentence)

3. What has been a frequent method for the distribution of propaganda? (Complete Sentence)

4. Why was this method only used for a country's own population? (Complete Sentence)

Propagandists use several techniques to shape the way people perceive an issue. The four main techniques are as follows. A piece of propaganda may show more than one of the techniques, depending on the audience.

The Hun and the Home
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Half Truth

Providing only those facts that support a cause or point of view.

Definition for HUN.

5. Using proper form, write a paragraph explaining how the poster to the right is an example of the technique of Half Truth.

Beat Back the Hun
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Name Calling

Describing one's enemies as barbarians or less than human.

Definition for Liberty Bond.

6. Using proper form, write a paragraph explaining how the poster to the left is an example of the technique of Name Calling.

Australian Poster
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Negative Imagery

Symbols that portray the enemy in the worst possible light.

7. Using proper form, write a paragraph explaining how the poster to the right is an example of the technique of Negative Imagery.

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Positive Imagery

Identify a cause with a famous person or noble idea.

8. Using proper form, write a paragraph explaining how the poster to the left is an example of the technique of Positive Imagery.

The Women of America were urged to follow the militant example of Joan of Arc of France and buy War Saving Stamps. Propaganda does not care that the British and French are allies in this war. Few remember the embarrassing detail that it was the English who burned Joan at the stake.

This link for May 8th in History will help you!

9. How could the poster above also be a good example of the technique of Half Truth?
(Complete Sentence)

Examine the following two early war British posters and answer the questions that follow.

Identify the use of propaganda techniques.

10. What half truths do you think this poster contains? (Complete Sentence)

11. Does the poster make use of Name Calling? (Complete Sentence)

12. What details of the attack are included? Select poster for a larger image. (Complete Sentence)

13. What symbols or images are used to present the enemy in the worst possible light?
(Complete Sentence)

Analyze the emotional appeal of the propaganda.

14. Why does this poster concentrate on a single household? (Complete Sentence)

15. What emotions might this poster have stirred up in the people of Great Britain? Why?
(Complete Sentence)

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Draw Conclusions.

16. How is the emotional appeal of the poster above similar to and different from the one to the right? (Complete Sentence)

17. Who do you think paid for and distributed the poster to the right? (Complete Sentence)

18. Who was the intended audience of the poster to the right? What was the main goal? (Complete Sentence)

19. In your opinion which of the four types of propaganda would be most effective? Explain.
(Complete Sentence).

20. Write a paragraph explaining how the use of propaganda is symbolic of total war?

21. Select three posters from below and using proper form, write a paragraph for EACH explaining what propaganda technique is being used. Remember, more than one may be present in the same poster.
Please inform of your number choice!

First Choice
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Second Choice
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Third Choice
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12