Friend or Foe

Alliance Simulation - Six state

Country Questions - 6 State

The following questions are to be given to the students prior to conducting the simulation.

Part A:
  1. Which two countries have a dispute over territory not on the map?

  2. What are Morovia and Yorkton arguing over?

  3. What are Yorkton and Penland arguing over?

  4. What is the relationship between Morovia and Bahkan?

  5. Why has Caldonia stayed out of the arguments?

  6. Who has the most powerful Army?

  7. Who has the most powerful Navy?

  8. What is Sandia's internal problem?

  9. What has Sandia done for its Army?

  10. What military back-up does Morovia have?

Part B:
  1. What is the name of your country?

  2. What countries border your country?

  3. Describe your Army in both size and quality.

  4. Describe your Navy in both size and quality.

  5. Who are your Allies in Fact?

  6. Who could be potential Allies?

  7. Who are your Enemies in Fact?

  8. Who could be potential Enemies?

  9. What are your country's strengths?

  10. What are your country's weaknesses?

  11. What is the greatest threat to your country?

  12. How can you prevent this threat from happening?

  13. Write out your strategy for survival. Remember, it may NOT be in your best interest to go to war!