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Writing Checklist

Explain how Europe benefited from cultural diffusion during the period c. A.D. 1000 - 1500.

Check to be sure each of the following statements are true. If false, please correct them in the essay.

Subject Matter


  • Is your purpose apparent to the reader?
  • Is your purpose fulfilled?


  • Is your thesis stated in one sentence?
  • Is it stated in the introduction?


  • Are your statements always accurate?
  • Are your statements always logical?
  • Are there enough concrete examples to illustrate your meaning?
  • Are there enough illustrations, facts, and reasons to adequately support your thesis?



  • What scheme controls the order of your paper?
    • chronology
    • cause & effect
    • comparison & contrast
    • relative importance of examples
    • other
  • Why did you choose one pattern or combination of patterns rather than another?


  • Is it always clear how you progress from one thought to another?
  • Is the relationship of each paragraph to the thesis apparent?
  • Is your thesis evident throughout the paper?


  • Does each paragraph have a topic sentence?
  • Does each paragraph have a transition?
  • Is each paragraph fully developed, unified, and coherent?


  • Does your conclusion truly end the paper?
  • Does the conclusion emphasize your thesis?



  • Do you vary your sentence structure and sentence length effectively?
  • Do you vary sentence openings effectively?
  • Do you employ an occasional short sentence to emphasize an important point?


  • Is your word choice consistently appropriate to the subject, to the audience, and to the tone you have adopted for the essay?
  • Is there any word which could be replaced by a more precise term?
  • Is your writing enlivened by any unusual word choices or any striking, but appropriate, figures?
  • Can you say it more clearly?
  • Can you say it more briefly?
  • Have you proofread carefully?